Saturday, 12 November 2011

The expensive way to get married

I'm leaving tomorrow morning for the Netherlands.  The only reason I'm going is to get legally married.  I mean, I'm SO excited to see my man again, but this trip is only happening because of the complications that come with an international marriage.

Since I'm going to be living in the Netherlands, I am required to apply to become a permanent resident.  In order for me to do that, I need to prove that I am married to a Dutch citizen.  If Martin and I signed marriage documents in Canada, it could take up to 4 or even 6 months to complete the paperwork process that is required for the Dutch to recognize our marriage.  I need to be accepted as a resident within 3 months of living in the country.  Because of the potential processing time of Canadian documents, Martin and I decided to get legally married in the Netherlands, which means that I can apply to become a permanent resident immediately.  However, for us, that ceremony is to register our commitment to each other with the law.  The ceremony that we're having in London, Ontario on November 25th is when we're expressing our commitment to each other before God and family and friends.  November 25th is when we'll consider ourselves married.

This is the complicated way to get married, but in our case, it's certainly best.

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