Thursday, 12 January 2012

The Value of Time

Now for a more serious post:

I'm missing some things these days... but the strange thing is that what I'm missing most doesn't have anything to do with being across the ocean, or in another country.  For that matter, there are a lot of things that I'm thankful for that make this place feel normal to me.  When it comes to being a different culture, I dare to say that the Dutch and Canadian do have a lot in common.  At least when I bike around, I don't think strangers can tell that I don't fit in.

We drive on the same side of the road (although, there are a lot of different traffic rules.)
We wear the same kinds of clothing and jewellery.
We live in the same style of houses.
We have similar meat-and-potatoes meals.
We use the same alphabet (this may be one of the things I'm most thankful for.)

One thing that is very important to me is music.  As I was waiting to meet up with one of Martin's Aunts at the train station, this was what I heard.  Excuse the sound quality- it was a windy day.  But, I immediately remembered the days of practising violin with my brother and sister, as this was one of the first songs we learned to play together.

One other thing that is a big part of my life is church.  I am SO thankful that Martin attends and is involved in the church that he has chosen.  I couldn't ask for more.

Their music is in the same mode.
They play the same musical instruments.
There is the same basic format for church.
At least 2 (of 5 or 6) songs have been familiar to me, each Sunday so far.  Two or three of them being sung in English!  (The person who can guess which song this is gets a LOT of points ;))

The kicker is that they even have wireless headsets with English translation of the sermon!

There are SO many things that I'm thankful for.  And of course, Martin is a fantastic help and encouragement.

However, like I said before, the things I miss most have nothing to do with being in another culture or being so far away.  I miss sharing common experiences with friends.  I miss watching a movie with the girls, only to discover that it's not as great as the trailers showed.  I miss having a conversation, without having to start at the very beginning.  I miss walking around church, and being able to congratulate a kid on their latest lost tooth, or ask about their sleep-over at Grandma's, or admire their artwork (even if I couldn't tell if it was a person, a tree, a flower or a sun.)  I miss being able to find someone in the hallway, and ask them how their exam was, or if their kids are feeling better.  I miss being able to congratulate a family on the upcoming birth or recent birth of a new child.  I miss knowing about people, and feeling connected to them.  I miss seeing someone smile in the hallway, knowing about the big challenges they have just overcome, or how life has changed for them in the last 5 years.  I miss meeting with people, and hearing their deep desire to see kids learn and grow in Christ-likeness.  I miss working with these people, as a team, with a common goal.  I miss seeing these people on Sundays (or other days), knowing what they're passionate about.  I miss hearing and seeing kids sing and pray and ask questions on Sunday mornings.  I miss the depth of relationship, where even if you don't know what the person did last week, you still know them very well.

I have met a lot of new people, I try to carry on conversations with them, and I really want to know about them!  But within a few days, I mix up names, or don't remember which story goes with which person, or I don't remember who is married to who.  I don't remember the basics about most people, when I used to be around people whose hearts I really knew.  I want so badly to get to a place where these people become familiar, and friends, so I try really hard to ask good questions, listen well and remember.  It's just a little overwhelming at times.

Don't get me wrong, and please don't feel badly for me... I'm really loving my life here!  I love meeting new people.  I love discovering new things.  I love being with Martin, and getting to know his life and family here.  But I do want to record the things that I'm experiencing, and have this to look back on.

There are a lot of differences, and in many ways, I feel like I want to build something big and meaningful, but for now, I have to start with the foundation.  But this past Sunday in church I was reminded that more important than the music is the fact that we love and serve the same God.  We are seeking to learn more and be more like the same God.  The purpose for this church is the same as the purpose for my former church(es).  This God never changes, and still knows me just the same, regardless of here I am in the world.  That is comforting!


  1. "Hosanna! Hosanna! Hosanna in the highest!" a la Brooke Fraser et al? (I love that you are blogging.)

  2. Or maybe not.... "lifted up". Hmmmmm. I'll try again. :-)

  3. I can't make out the melody - - the wind is too loud. But is it being played on church bells?

  4. It turns out that I wasn't familiar with this song before coming here.... oops! But it sounds so "typical" that it sounded familiar. It's "Hosanna in the Highest" by Israel Houghton. Except we don't have background chorals here ;)

    Yes Mom, it is being played on the church bells... Chorus from Judas Maccabeus.

  5. I often feel the same way, but obviously I have an advantage in Scotland because everyone speaks English. But there is a difference of culture, tradition, experience and sometimes even language dialect that separates us. And I'm working on living in the moment and enjoying what they have to offer that is unique to home (I'll probably miss a lot when I leave!) but it's still hard not to share more commonality. I can't wait to come visit! We will watch a movie and discuss Canadian matters of importance (like how awesome our accent is;) Glad to hear you're enjoying yourself. Hi Martin! Looking foreword to meeting you too! --Julia xx
